不用ORDER BY 实现排序

Posted by 道行尚浅 on January 15, 2018


名字 省份
宝姐 黑龙江
佛爷 吉林
道爷 吉林
翁同学 黑龙江

要求将省份相邻的记录放在一起,不能以任何形式使用ORDER BY

SQL> with dao_t as
  2  (select'宝姐' name1, '黑龙江'  sheng  from dual
  3   union all
  4   select'佛爷', '吉林' from dual
  5   union all
  6   select'道爷', '吉林' from dual
  7    union all
  8   select'翁同学', '黑龙江' from dual  )
  9  select sheng daoheng  ,substr(name_str,instr(name_str,',',1,x)+1,instr(name_str,',',1,x+1)-instr(name_str,',',1,x)-1) shangqian
 10  from (select  sheng,','||listagg(name1,',') within group ( order by name1 ) ||',' name_str
 11   from dao_t
 12   group by sheng ) ,
 13   (select rownum  n from dual connect by level <=10),
 14   (select rownum x  from dual connect by level <=10)
 15  where  n= length(name_str)-length(replace(name_str,',',null))-1
 16    and x<=n  ;

--------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
吉林      道爷
吉林      佛爷
黑龙江    翁同学
黑龙江    宝姐