
Posted by 道行尚浅 on July 27, 2018



  • 母鸡5元1只
  • 公鸡3元1只
  • 小鸡1元3只

现在有100元要买100只鸡 请问有几种可能?


SQL> with dao_temp as
  2   (select level - 1 c1 from dual connect by level <= 101)
  3  select gongji.c1 gongji,
  4         muji.c1  muji,
  5         xiaoji.c1 xiaoji
  6    from dao_temp gongji, dao_temp muji, dao_temp xiaoji
  7   where gongji.c1 + muji.c1 + xiaoji.c1 = 100
  8     and gongji.c1 * 3 + muji.c1 * 5 + xiaoji.c1 / 3 = 100
  9     and mod(xiaoji.c1, 3) = 0 ;
    GONGJI       MUJI     XIAOJI
---------- ---------- ----------
         4         12         84
        11          8         81
        18          4         78
        25          0         75